Relationship between the Cloud Custodian Lambda Function and the Cloudwatch Event Rule (Part 2)

An alternate approach to monitoring your CW Event Rule Quota

In this story, we will be discussing an alternate approach on how we monitor the service quota limit for the CloudWatch Event Rule. For the purpose of this story, we will consider that our readers have the basic knowledge of the Cloud Custodian.

CW Event Rule Service Quota


  1. First of all, you must know what’s the service quota limit for the cloud watch event rule. The default value is 300. You may have increased a few times (say to 600 and then 1000). You can ask your AWS TAM to pull the number for you. At present, the API is not exposed and is not queryable. We have tried working with the AWS team and here is the GitHub issue-
  2. Once you know your service limit quota, you can write the Cloud Custodian policy to get the count of your CloudWatch event rule. The below policy helps you count it-
policies:- name: misc-n-cw-event-rule-count
resource: aws.event-rule
comment: |
Identify and Count on CloudWatch Event Rule.
This will help us know when we are going to exceed our quota of
XXXX event-rule. This is a notify only policy. This policy is
schedule to…




Over 18 years of experience in a wide variety of technical domains within information security including information assurance, compliance, and risk management.