Monolithic and Microservices Architectural Concepts

Monolithic Architectural Concept

Let’s think of a toy building block set, like the ones you might have played with as a kid. Imagine you’re building a castle using a single, large block that represents the entire structure — walls, towers, gates, and everything else. This big block is your “castle,” and it’s solid; you can’t change a part of it without modifying the whole thing. If you decide you want a bigger gate or an extra tower, you have to reshape or replace the entire block. This big block is like a monolithic architecture in software development.

In software terms, a monolithic architecture means your application is built as one big block (or a single unit of code) that includes all its functionalities: handling user requests, processing data, managing the database, and so on. If you need to update a feature, fix a bug, or add something new, you have to deal with the whole block, affecting everything else, just as if you were trying to change a part of your solid toy castle.

This makes initial building simple, much like it’s straightforward to play with a single block. However, as your needs grow more complex — say you want your castle to have different types of towers or more detailed gates — adjusting a monolithic block becomes limiting. You start wishing you could work on parts of the castle independently rather than reshaping the whole thing for every small change.




Over 18 years of experience in a wide variety of technical domains within information security including information assurance, compliance, and risk management.